Bost urte pasa dira lehen JAZPANA! Fest jaialdia antolatu genuela. Urte hartan (2009a zen), lau lagunek osatzen genuen lan taldea eta beste hamar bolondresen laguntzarekin atera genuen aurrera. Indartsu hasi ginen eta We Are Standard edo Capsula bezalako taldez gozatzeko aukera izan genuen eta kontzertu gau bakarra proposatu genuen beste hainbat ekintza paraleloez gain. Denbora pasa da eta gauzak asko aldatu dira egun hartatik. JAZPANA! Kultur Elkartea sortu genuen lau laguneko lan taldea hamaika laguneko lan taldean bilakatu da (70 bolondresetik gora mugitzen dugu gaur egun). Kontzertu ga...

What is a Pastoral?  A Pastoral is a Basque tradition that is used to express literature in another way.  This tradition consists of embodying literature orally by means of popular drama.  This oral literature is expressed by “bertsoak”. Where was the Pastoral created?  The Pastoral was created in Zuberoa.The first written products are from the XVII. century. The first Pastoral was registered in Atharratze in 1643 in “Saint Jacques”. This type of literature has had an evolution during history. At the beginning the Pastoral was celebrated in the church but nowadays it ...

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