Henry Raeburn

literartea 1456440692268 literartea | 2009-09-17 22:51

  “When I had finished I went upstairs to the minstrels' gallery to have a look at the pictures. I knew them well of course by now, but had never studied them with a view to reproducing one of them as a fancy dress. Mrs Danvers was right of course. What an idiot I had been not to think of it before. I always loved the girl in white, with a hat in her hand. It was a Raeburn, and the portrait was of Caroline de Winter, a sister of Maxim's great-great grandfather”. "Kontu harekin amaitutakoan, Trobadoreen Galeriara joan nintzen han zeuden koadroei begiratua egiteko. Ondo ...

Peter Lely

literartea 1456440692268 literartea | 2009-09-11 23:13

"I can close my eyes now, and look back on it, and see myself as I must have been, standing on the threshold of the house, a slim, awkward figure in my stockinette dress, clutching in my sticky hands a pair of gauntlet gloves. I can see the great stone hall, the wide doors open to the library, the Peter Lelys and the Vandykes on the walls..."   'Oraindik ere begiak itxi eta hantxe ikusi ahal dut neure burua, atondoan zutunik, baldar eta ezgauza, puntu-soinekoa jantzita, eskuak izerditan eskuzorroak urduritasunez estutuz. Han da atari lauzatua, han dira liburutegiko ate zabalak, ...