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Azpeitia. google maps

argi 1456131013480 Argi | 2008-12-31 16:22

Azpeitia   Azpeitia is a town council of Guipúzcoa (Basque Country). It is situated in Urola Valley bording on the coast. The town is famous because it is the place where Saint Ignatius of Loyola was born. He was the founder of the Jesuits and there is a basilica in his commemoration. Nowadays fourteen thousand inhabitants live in the town. Azpeitia lives mainly from the service sector that supplies the need of the neighbours and part of the inhabitants of the nearby towns. It is the judicial and fiscal centre of area. The secondary sector is very important in the town, overcoat in the...


leihotik 1456151015816 ORO ERRANA DA? | 2006-12-06 17:55

Gaur mapak bilatzen eta horiek blogean jartzen ari gara. Egia esan mapa hau ez dut batere gustuko baina tira... San mameseko mapa da!tira, Bilboko jaietara joaten garenerako edo oposaketetara doazenei laguntza txiki bat emateko! Kotxea hemen utzita metroz joan zaitezkete BECera! Beno ba...oposaketetan zabiltzaten zoro guztiei nire zorterik oneta eta musu handi bat. EUTSI GOIARI!tagzaniapasteTagzania: leihotik

ATSALDEON! oinguan TAGZANIA pogramia ibili gara probatzen, Eibarko Codesyntax enpesak sortua. Oso egokixa da laguneri, familxiari edo blogarxeri erakusteko nun bizi zaran ero nun eon zaran oporretan. Nik bizi naizen tokiko planua ipini dot: Eibarren, Urkizu aldian.  Hori bai, oin PARTY bat in ezkero nere etxian ez dozue ez etortzeko aitzakirik,  party, party!jaja! Ondo segi!   &nb;tagzaniapastenere etxia map - Tagzaniasp;