Capotebat: Sierra Madre

literartea 1456440692268 literartea | 2009-10-16 23:35

...eta SIERRA MADRE-k urrea esan nahi zuen, Sierra Madre-ko Altxorra esan nahi zuen, zortzi aldiz ikusia zuen filmea. (Bogarten filmerik onena zen, baina urre-bilatzailearena egiten zuen agurea ere, Perryri bere aita googra ekartzen ziona, ez zen makala. Walter Huston. Bai, eta aitak Dicki esandakoa egia zen: Berak bai, ezaguzten zituen urre-bila ibiltzearen gorabehera guztiak, bilatzaile profesionala zen bere aitak erakutsi baitzizkion. Beraz, zergatik ez zuten ba, biok, zamari pare bat erosten eta Sierra Madre-n ea suerterik bazuten probatzen? Baina Dickek, hain praktikoa zen Dick hark, esan zion: "Tira, motel, tira. Ikusi diat. Denak erotu egiten dituk azkenean. Sukarra, odol-surrupatzaileak eta paraje horietako bizimodu latza medio. Azkenean, urrea eskuratu zutenean -gogoratzen al haiz? Haize bolada haundi bat altxatu eta dena eraman zian").

Truman Capote, Odol hotzean: Sarraski baten eta haren ondorioen zinezko kontaera. Xabier Olarraren itzulpena, Igela, 1993, 28. orr.

...and SIERRA MADRE meant gold, meant Treasure of the Sierra Madre, a movie he had seen eight times. (It was Bogart's best picture, but the old guy who played the prospector, the one who reminded Perry of his father, was terrific, too. Walter Huston. Yes, and what he had told Dick was true: He did know the ins and outs of hunting gold, having been taught them by his father, who was a professional prospector. So why shouldn't they, the two of them, buy a pair of pack horses and try their luck in the Sierra Madre. But Dick, the practical Dick, had said, "Whoa, honey, whoa. I seen that shoe. ends up everybody nuts.On account of fever and bloossuckers mean conditions all around. Then, when they got the gold -remember, a big wind came along and blew it all away?") Perry folced the map.

Truman Capote, In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its, Vintage Books, 1966.


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