Esaldi on bat

oregonian 1456152018452 The Oregonian | 2006-10-27 06:15

"Happy.A person's life is only complete when there is someone you can share it with.I can no longer imagine a world without my sweetheart as his presence lights up my heart.He has always been there for me though we are thousand of miles apart.Saying I LOVE YOU is the simplest yet best thing you can hear and say to someone. It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy and brings a big bright smile to my face. Love you sweetheart, with all my heart."

      Sarean nonbait aurkitu dudan esaldi on bat. 20 urte dituen neskato batek idatzia izan dela besterik ez dakit. Hor goikoa irakurri ondoren "txurian" bezela geratu naiz, berriro irakurri eta irribarre egin dut. Hori erreakzio arraroa.

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