Azalpen "kolokatu"agoa

notebook 1456151871057 Idazkolako takatekoak | 2010-11-09 19:17

Asteon argitaratzekoa da Senez aldizkariaren 39. zenbakia. Harako, artikulu txiki bat prestatu nuen (laster Scribd-eko txokoan paratuko dut). Halakoetan beti zalantza egiten dut zenbateraino den zilegi hizkuntzalaritza «jaso»ko azalbideak erabiltzea, zehatzago izan arren batzuentzat lausoago baitira.

Artikuluan kolokazioei buruzko azalpen «tekniko» samar bat sartu nuen. Orain, beharbada, honako hau sartuko nuke, argigarriagoa delakoan. Bego hemen, osagarri.

When two words collocate, the relationship can hold between all or several of their various forms, combined in any grammatically acceptable order. For example, achieving aims, aims having been achieved, achievable aims, and the achievement of an aim are all equally acceptable and typical in English. On the other hand, it is often the case that words will collocate with other words in some of their forms but not in others. We bend rules in English but are unlikely to describe rules as unbendable. Instead, we usually talk of rules being inflexible.

It would seem, then, that the patterns of collocation are largely arbitrary and independent of meaning. This is so both within and across languages. The same degree of mismatch that can be observed when comparing the collocational patterns of synonyms and near-synonyms within the same language is evident in the collocation patterning of ‘dictionary equivalents/near equivalents‘ in two languages.

(Mona Baker: In Other Words: Coursebook on Translation, Londres, Routledge, 1992, 48. or.)

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