Azken aurreko txapelketa hasi da dagoeneko, naiz eta mangarik ez egin, ez atzo ta ez gaur. Swell-a bidean dagoela esaten dute antolatzaileek, eta horretxen zain daude.
Mick ikusiko al degu munduko kopa irabazten?? Ni baiezkoan nago, gauzak oso zail daude Taj-entzat eta oraindik gehiago Kelly-rentzat.
Ez det inglesetik itzuli, baina hau gertatu behar da Mick-ek titulua ez irabazteko Brasilen:
*Foster’s ASP World Tour Title Scenarios heading into the Hang Loose Santa Catarina Pro:
Please note that in all scenarios below, both Burrow and Slater will need to win the Billabong Pipeline Masters as well, even if Mick Fanning gets a 33rd in Hawaii.
• If Mick Fanning wins in Brazil he clinches the World Title.
• If Fanning gets 2nd, Taj Burrow needs to win the event and Kelly Slater is out of the race.
• If Fanning gets 3rd, Burrow needs a 2nd and Slater is out of the race.
• If Fanning gets 5th, Burrow needs a 3rd and Slater needs a 1st.
• If Fanning gets 9th, Burrow needs a 5th and Slater needs a 2nd.
• If Fanning gets 17th, Burrow needs a 9th and Slater needs a 3rd.
• If Fanning gets 33rd, Burrow needs a 9th and Slater needs a 3rd.
Burrow and Slater will need to count on a 17th or 33rd finish from Fanning in Brazil and place as high as possible in the same event (Burrow higher than 9th and Slater higher than 3rd - to be in better title contention (not needing a win) going into Hawaii.
E.g.: If Fanning gets a 17th in Brazil and Burrow gets a 5th, then with a 2nd place in Hawaii Burrow would win the title if Fanning gets a 17th or worse at Pipe.
Hona hemen lehenengo txandako mangak:
Heat 1: Dean Morrison (AUS), Cory Lopez (USA), Heitor Alves (BRA)
Heat 2: Pancho Sullivan (HAW), Rodrigo Dornelles (BRA), Jihad Khodr (BRA)
Heat 3: Taylor Knox (USA), Frederick Patacchia (HAW), Simao Romao (BRA)
Heat 4: Jeremy Flores (FRA), Ricky Basnett (ZAF), Jean da Silva (BRA)
Heat 5: Bede Durbidge (AUS), Greg Emslie (ZAF), William Cordoso (BRA)
Heat 6: Bobby Martinez (USA), Phillip Macdonald (AUS), Renato Galvao (BRA)
Heat 7: Joel Parkinson (AUS), Adrian Buchan (AUS), Diego Rosa (BRA)
Heat 8: Mick Fanning (AUS), Bruce Irons (HAW), Guga Arruda (BRA)
Heat 9: Kelly Slater (USA), Kai Otton (AUS), Fabio Carvalho (BRA)
Heat 10: Taj Burrow (AUS), Luke Stedman (AUS), Marco Polo (BRA)
Heat 11: CJ Hobgood (USA), Raioni Monteiro (BRA), Peterson Rosa (BRA)
Heat 12: Tom Whitaker (AUS), Bernardo Miranda (BRA), Gabe Kling (USA)
Heat 13: Michael Campbell (AUS), Leonardo Neves (BRA), Mark Occhilupo (AUS)
Heat 14: Royden Bryson (ZAF), Josh Kerr (AUS), Shaun Cansdell (AUS)
Heat 15: Chris Ward (USA), Troy Brooks (AUS), Dayyan Neve (AUS)
Heat 16: Adriano de Souza (BRA), Neco Padaratz (BRA), Victor Ribas (BRA)
tablones 2007-11-06 15:33 #1
<p>Zer gertatzen da aste bukaera ontan....... Zurrunbilloko txapelketa, afaria...... Konfirmatuta dago ??????????</p>
<p>Please, jarri zerbait blogean. Baiestatu mesedez.</p>
<p>Agur bero bat denoi bizkai aldetik.</p>
kepa 2007-11-06 18:04 #2
<p>MICK TXAPELDUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
Txomin 2007-11-06 18:21 #3
<p>kaixo lagunok!:</p>
<p>Bai txapelketan eta bai afariran apuntatzeko zurrunbiloko kortxuan daukazue.</p>
<p>Ondo segi!</p>
langile,el autentiko!! 2007-11-06 20:21 #4
Afarira apuntatzeko asteazkena da azken eguna, horrela denborarekin reserbatu dezakegu.Ezin badezute tabloian apuntatu deitu.
Puto fanning nazi de mierda!!!!!
KEPA 2007-11-07 12:03 #5
Ze nazi ta ze... Merezita irabazi du. Kelly hilik dago, jada eztu sekula gehio zirkuitorik irabaziko. A LLEGAO LA ERA FANNING!!!!!! GO WHITE LIGHTNING!!!!! Ni irons, ni kelly ni nadie... jurjur
Utzi iruzkina: