everyone owns a gun deep inside

its just a matter of how much you let it slide

It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.Yes we can.It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.Yes we can.It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.Yes we can.It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.Yes we can to justice and equality. Yes we can ...

Hasi gara dagoeneko web2.0 iksgaiarekin, eta momentuz danon gustokoa!Arazo batzuk direla eta klasean geundelarik ordenagailu batzuk blokeatu zaizkigu eta beraz etxetik ari naiz lehenengo blog honi sarrera ematen. Klasean bidalitako lanak hemen eskegituko ditugu baina hala ere, danetarik aurki dezakezu hemen.Hasteko hemen uzten dizuet argazki eta kanta bat! Asteburu ona pasa!

       (...) At twenty-one you found his gunHey dad, it's just begunThe ties that bind, they come undoneCome on everybody, just for funAt twenty-four you found him on the floorDecadence was all he wore         (...)    

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Web 2.0 klasean gaude, asteazkenero bezala eta hau da blog honen sorreraren zergatia. Irakasleak agindu eta guk artikuluak eskegitzen ditugu jarraian, hala ere guk gure kabuz eskegitutako bitxikeriak ere aurkitu daitezke hamen.