Marc Weitzmann reçoit Eric Marty à l'occasion de la parution de son livre "Le sexe des Modernes". Les études de genre sont-elles le vecteur d’une nouvelle révolution sexuelle, ou le symptôme d’une désexualisation inédite des sociétés occidentales ? Gender fluid• Crédits : Nick Dolding - Getty Que l’on y adhère ou qu’on les critique, nul ne peut nier : les études de genre, les fameuses "gender studies" se sont imposées depuis trente ans comme l’&e...

Chris Burden

so 1467378181235 SO | 2021-04-19 18:31

Chris Burden (b. 1946)   The TV Commercials 1973-1977 1973-77/2000, 9:08 min, color, sound The TV Commercials is a recent compilation of Burden's four legendary television interventions, which date from 1973 to 1977. For each of these conceptual projects, Burden purchased commercial time on broadcast television and aired his own subversive "ads." Included are TV Ad: Through the Night Softly; Poem for L.A.; Chris Burden Promo, and Full Financial Disclosure. Burden's on-screen text adds precise details about the airing of these pieces. Writes Burden: "During the early sevent...

Rafael Ruiz Balerdi (1934-92)   Homenaje a tarzan (1970) Duration: 4 min, 28 sec After visiting the Gure Artea show last Friday I went to Galería Carreras Mugica to see an exhibition entitled: Balerdi. Homage to Tarzan, chapter 1: the unwitting hunter, curated by one of the artists selected for the Gure Artea prize, Asier Mendizabal. On show are works by the Basque artist Rafael Ruiz Balerdi 1934-1992. Balerdi is an extraordinary painter (unfortunately, little known outside Spain) and here I had the privilege of seeing an experimental film completed in 1969, which is th...

I think the interview is the new art form. I think the self-interview is the essence of creativity. Asking yourself questions and trying to find answers. The writer is just answering a series of unuttered questions. It's similar to answering questions on a witness stand. It's that strange area where you try and pin down something that happened in the past and try honestly to remember what you were trying to do. It's a crucial mental excercise. An interview will often give you a chance to confront your mind with questions, which to me is what art is all about. An interview also gives you th...

Écrire au seuil de l’indicible L’esthétique, une question d’éthique 1 Maurice Blanchot, La Part du feu, Gallimard, Paris, 1949, 1980, p. 129. 2 Marguerite Duras, Écrire, Gallimard, Paris, 1993, p. 63-64. 3 Edmond Jabès, Du désert au livre. Entretiens avec Marcel Cohen, Belfond, Paris, 1980, 1991, p. 155. 1Ce dont on ne peut parler, il faut le taire : certains des plus grands écrivains du XXe siècle n’ont cessé de transgresser cette célèbre injonction de Wit...


PROGRAMA –Maialen Lujanbio, Itxaro Borda, Xabier Erkizia: Sarrera EUS –Lawrence Abu Hamdan: Zinema: Walled Unwalled (2018) (Azp: ES) –Frédéric Jouanlong: Karawane (Performance). Frédéric Jouanlong, ahotsa eta bolumena emango dizkio Hugo Ball-en dadá testuari.  

06.03.2021 18:30-21:00 MAHAI INGURUA: BELARRIAREN AMILIZUAK Xabier Erkizia (Moderatzailea) –Raúl Cantizano: El baile de las cuerdas (kontzertua) –Hannah Silva: The Sounds Inside Speech (ONLINE) EN –Alessandro Bosetti: Sistéma, an opera on tutto e niente (ONLINE) EN –Ainara Santamaria: Esperimentazioaren tradizioak Euskal Herrian EUS –Ramon Lazkano: (Hitz) Instrumentala EUS *Itzulpena euskera, ingeles eta gaztelerara

PROGRAMA –Beñat Achiary: Kontzertua –Antonio Casado: Erresonantzia eta Kiromantzidxa: arte soziala pandemia garaietan EUS –Juan Garzia: Munduak euskaratzen (ONLINE) EUS –Juan Gorostidi: Gorrotoaren politikaz: sumindura, azken giza baliabidea EUS -Itxaro Borda: (Moderadora) EUS  

PROGRAMA 06.03.2021 15:30-18:00 MAHAI INGURUA: ZE DISTANTZIA BEHAR DU MIRAK? Maialen Lujanbio (Moderatzailea) –David Toop: A Disconnected Voice: voices with and without bodies (ONLINE) EN –Karine Etxeberri: Uraren kantuak EUS -Iván de la Nuez: Desde un lugar en la retaguardia ES *Itzulpena euskera, ingeles eta gaztelerara  


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so 1467378181235

Euskara organismo biziduna baita elikatu behar da eta hortarako teknologi berriak oso garrantzitsuak dira. Hori dela eta blog berria euskaraz idekitzea deliberatu dugu.