- Paul Feyerabend (1924 – 1994) - As he worked with Popper in the London School of Economics he was positively influenced by him in his first period: he thought epistemology isn't about describing science but about how science should function. - Later in his career, by 60's, he was moving towards epistemological anarchy, what was mainly exposed in his most famous work, Against Method, published in 1975. - According to Feyerabend, no method in the history of science has been successful, since none of them has lead, indeed, scientific activity. - Besides, there is no way science to be u...

Thought experiments are commonly defined as devices of the imagination used to investigate the nature of things. Such an experiment is a logical reasoning about an hypothetical situation where the results can be explored by imagination, physics or mathematics. It seems that this kind of methodology has been used at least since classical antiquity, however, it's not completely right to talk about ancient reasoning in terms of experiment, as this kind of verifiability didn't exist yet. We are going to focus, then, on the use of this method in the last 150 years, more concretely in the field o...