bisturi 1456131657992 A GOLPE DE BISTURÍ | 2008-04-25 13:22

Many times people are not conscious about the risks of these kind of operations. It is enough for anyone to think that if the operation is done by a qualified plastic surgeon, nothing bad would happen during the intervention.

Every surgical intervention (plastic surgery) carries certain risks, complications that some times can produce irreparable damages. Each week plastic surgeons perform thousands of successful operations. However, each patient has to take into account that no treatment is completely without risk, independently of the skills of the surgeon.

The main risks of aesthetic plastic surgery operations are rejection of implants, sensory change in or around the operation site, decolourisation of the skin, tissue necrosis, asymmetry, infection, formation of bad scar tissue, and allergic reactions on the sedation.


Most of the cases that suppose ineffective or bad consequences are caused by the bad application of the regional, local or general anaesthesia. However, according to the Spanish society of plastic surgery, the percentage of general complications is nowadays much more reduced. Despite this, a report elaborated by the North American Association of Plastic Surgery reveals that one of each 5000 liposuctions carried out in the United States during the last four years have finished with the life of many patients.

The liposuction is the most practised operation of aesthetic surgery in the United States. It is a cosmetic surgery operation which consists on removing fat from many different sites on the human body. It is practised with local anaesthesia and with a drug that contracts the sanguineous glasses.

It is verified, therefore, that the average of risks is still high. Poor general condition, smoking, obesity, certain medication or drugs (currently or in the past) and increasing age are all risk increasing factors. Patients coming from abroad need to be aware that specialised early, medium and long-term surgical follow up may be essential in order to get the best result and maximal satisfaction.

Consequently, it is very important to be well informed before undergoing an operation. Your doctor is the best source of information and will inform you about the general risks of a certain operation, but in particular he can estimate your individual risk.

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