Mistakes (or how to find yourself)
that to continue with your life you have to do something bad, so it might not
be bad, it will be like destiny no?
in our lives we find situations like that, were you have no choice but to
continue even if you know you’re are doing wrong. And in the end, when
everything passes, there is a strong feeling: sadness. At this point there are
only two clear options: go back or go ahead.
Going back
to fix it is not a good option, because past is like a mirror, every time you
look on it, it breaks in many different parts cutting and changing and so do
you. Then, the only option that remains is to continue with your life the
better you can without looking back and facing the future with precaution and
This is the
way to find yourself; not going back is not the same as not apologize.
Apologize is necessary to go ahead, not because is the universal way to fix
problems between people, is necessary because is part of the healing process of
our personality. Mistakes are part of us; the ways we solve them determinates
our personality and show the people around us our ability to recover from a
difficult experience. Mistakes are something necessary in the human experience,
without them the human race wouldn’t have evolved.

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