Interneteko FRIKIAk

No profile photo ...zein da zein... | 2007-03-28 21:46

Hemen uzten dizuet niri eta nire kideei asko gustatzen zaigun bideoa. Egilea: Brookers


Youtuben munduan ibiltzen zaretenok ziuraski ezagutuko duzuela, 20 urtetako neska estatubatuarra da, "Youtuben erregina". Neska honek, hilabete batzuetan zehar, bere bideo batzuk argitaratu zituen eta bere irudimen eta barreak sortarazteko ahalmenagatik telebistan amaitu du (MTVk fitxatu du hain zuzen ere). Baina programa bat egiteko fitxatu bezain laster bre azken bideoa publikatu zuen, non agur esaten zigun...

“this is not a Goodbye..or a farewell..its more like a thank you a sincere thank you to you all for getting me to where i am now. Well, it finally arrived, my contract. I have been in contact now with Carson Daly productions mtv2 for about a month on and off and i finally have a contract here from them in my posession and i am more than 90% sure that this is it i am going to go with this. But even if i dont i just wanted to say that this has been amazing an amazing 7 months and just to have been contacted by someone like this..just to have someone with such a high status look at my videos and say “hey this girl has potential” it amazes me still . I will still be hosting videos, especially untill all this is sorted out but even then not so much as i am now. Thank you everyone.”

Ea noiz bueltatzen zaren Brookers!

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