Mai inglix is beri gud

theindezents 1456152903500 The Indezents bloga >> | 2008-05-23 12:36

Ikasgai baterako Bowling for Columbine filmeari buruzko lan bat aurkeztu beharrean nintzen. Oso gustoko dut Michael Mooreren lan hau eta gogoa nuen  dokumental honi buruz hainbat gauza esateko. Hala ere, lanak bazuen nire aurka jokatzen zuen baldintza bat; ingelesez izan behar zuen. Hortxe doa:


Before start this work about Bowling for Columbine I need tell that this Michael Moore film is one of my favourites films (I watch this film 5 or 6 times). For this reason I’m sorry my bad English because I want tell more things that I can. However, I will try making this work and telling that I think about Bowling for Columbine.


In this film Michael Moore break off from Columbine institute tragedy for explain the social and psychological situation of U.S.A. The tragedy of Columbine institute succeed in 1999 in Jefferson County and in this tragedy two students kills 13 persons (teachers and students) after play bowls. For this reason the film has this name.


Michael Moore tells this history in documental format and in first person. He use this case for analyze the reason for the violence of his country; U.S.A. Mr. Moore shows in this film the madness to arms and the contradictions that this originate. In this documental Moore use interviews, archive images, toons and his person (always his person). The documental is very focus in his person and for this reason is very subjective but this subjectivity makes objective this film.


Hau zati bat besterik ez da lan osoa zintzilikatuko banu, zuen osasun mentala arriskuan egongo litzateke eta. Eske poliglota bat naiz...

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