
lukuru 1456151139851 Lukuru | 2009-03-27 22:32

Obesity is a chronic disease originated by many causes and with numerous complications. This disease is characterized by the excess of fat in the organism and appears when the index of corporal Mass in the adult is higher than 25 units.

There are different types of obesity. It depends on the body fat percentage, body mass index, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio and childhood obesity.

Obesity is caused mainly by the following reasons: diet problems, genetics and sedentary lifestyle. The type of diet is the most important cause in obesity. The genetic cause in obesity is very important because in this case it is more difficult to detect the problem. To finish we have the problem of the lifestyle. If you eat a lot and you donĀ“t burn the fat, you can have health problems.


Besides, if you do not tackle the problem of obesity you can suffer more serious problems. the most serious problems are cardiovascular and diabetes problems.

What can we prevent this disease? We say prevent and not heal because it is easier to prevent this disease than to heal it. So it is very important to have a healthy diet and do sports such as swimming, cycling, walking... however, some people, some people need medication, surgery or clinical protocols to prevent from the illness.

as a conclusion, what we have to do is eat well or follow a healthy diet and do all type of sport to have our body in good conditions. If we do this, we would probably avoid obesity problems.

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