Danbaka, Debagoiena music competition
Danbaka is a musician’s competition in which all the bands and soloist who live in Debagoiena can take part. This competition was created two years ago by Debagoina Komunikazio Kooperatiba. Since then it is done every two years in Elgeta, concretely, in Espaloia Kafe Antzokia.
In this competition all kind of musical styles are allowed, such as punk, rap, pop, rock and roll or street punk; but the judges give priority to Basque music. So the candidates will have some benefits if they sing in Basque despite most of participants sing in Spanish.
The performances will broad casted in Goiena Telebista, and we could find all the information of this competition at Danbaka`s web site. This web site contains different news about music bands all over the Basque Country.
The winner will be chosen by the audience and the soloist by the judge. The prize for the winner is to record a music CD, and the prize of soloist consist of two tickets for a music festival of Gasteiz, Azkena Rock Festival, three days stay in a hotel and concerts in some important cities. However, there is a prize for the audience, consisting of 1200 euro to spend in musical instruments.
In conclusion, Danbaka competition is an important opportunity for all bands of Debagoiena who want to record a CD. And apart from that, all people who want some information about bands in Debagoiena and if someone is interested in this topic, go and visit Danbaka`s web site!

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