Indian eskolara egunero milioika haur joaten dira itsasontziz, bizikletaz, oinutsik edo gurpildun aulkian, eskola hauek basamortuan, mendian, kalean, autobusean... kokatuta daude. Ezagutu itzezu ikasleen ahotik eskola hartzeko eguneroko erronka zein den. Serie hau Lisa Heydlauff idazlearen liburuan oinarrituta dago eta sari asko irabazi ditu.
Beste haurren esperientzia ezagutzea garrantzitsua bada, kasu honetan are eta gehiago, zuen adineko zenbaitek eskolara joateko egiten duten ahalegina izugarria bait da.
Ikusi, entzun eta hausnartu. Baloratzen al dituzu zuk dituzun erreztasunak?

Bertan ikusi ditzakezu youtubeko bideoak.


     Jose Luis Etxezarreta Garin

Going to School on a Mountaintop (How Some Children Go To School in India-Ladakh)

Going to School on a Mountaintop means you have to be able to climb. Skarma knows how to climb, so does his friend Sonam - it is how they get to school. You have to be able to climb if your school is nestled in the mountains. There is no electricity in this school or in the village, but in the summer months this does not matter - school moves outside where there is plenty of light. Today, high in the mountains where India touches Tibet, 29 children are learning about their world and playing hide-and-seek in the bright, cold sunlight. Going to School in India Series is based on the book by Lisa Heydlauff. In this award-winning book and film series, you will experience what it is like to go to school in India through the eyes and voices of children. Every school day, millions of children in India go to school by boat, by bicycle, by wheelchair or barefoot. Some classes are held in the blistering heat of the mud desert, in the chill of the mountains or at night under lamps. Meet these students who overcome their challenges—all for the chance to learn.

Going to School on a Boat (How Some Children Go To School in India-Andhra Pradesh)

In this truly inspiring film, meet three nine-year-old girls, Veera Veni, Durga Devi and Dana Laxmi, who live with their families on a boat in coastal Andhra Pradesh, travel by a special school boat to their land-based school. School is under a thatched roof and has no walls. Here they learn how to make dolls out of coconuts, how to draw letters of the Telugu language on slates and on the sand with shells, and then finish up by writing postcards. Going to School in India Series is based on the book by Lisa Heydlauff. In this award-winning book and film series, you will experience what it is like to go to school in India through the eyes and voices of children. Every school day, millions of children in India go to school by boat, by bicycle, by wheelchair or barefoot. Some classes are held in the blistering heat of the mud desert, in the chill of the mountains or at night under lamps. Meet these students who overcome their challenges—all for the chance to learn.

Going to School on a Bus (How Some Children Go To School in India-Bombay)

In Bombay, an 11-year-old boy, Saddam, studies and plays music with classmates aboard the Door Step School, a school-on-wheels. Each day the bus parks in front of a chicken market where the children enter for their daily lesson. The bus functions as a school and as an actual bus taking children to and from another school. When Saddam is not in school, he helps his mother by selling on a street. Saddam wants to become a Bollywood star just like Salman Khan. Going to School in India Series is based on the book by Lisa Heydlauff. In this award-winning book and film series, you will experience what it is like to go to school in India through the eyes and voices of children. Every school day, millions of children in India go to school by boat, by bicycle, by wheelchair or barefoot. Some classes are held in the blistering heat of the mud desert, in the chill of the mountains or at night under lamps. Meet these students who overcome their challenges—all for the chance to learn.

Going to School in the Dark (How Some Children Go To School in India-Rajasthan)

When other children go to school, many girls in India stay home to look after their younger brothers and sisters; they help with the housework and in the fields. As the sun sets, they emerge from their houses to walk each other to school in the fading light. Electricity here is erratic at best, and the girls go to school lit by the light of solar lanterns. At school they learn how to count numbers, read stories, and even think for themselves. All the girls who go to school here are members of an elected children's parliament - the girls run their own schools and decide what their school can be. Their school is for girls only because boys go to government schools during the day. Going to School in India Series is based on the book by Lisa Heydlauff. In this award-winning book and film series, you will experience what it is like to go to school in India through the eyes and voices of children. Every school day, millions of children in India go to school by boat, by bicycle, by wheelchair or barefoot. Some classes are held in the blistering heat of the mud desert, in the chill of the mountains or at night under lamps. Meet these students who overcome their challenges—all for the chance to learn.

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