AFRICA         BERRITUA !    Ingeles proiektuarekin jarraituz (Maite Mendizabalen aholkularitzapean), munduko haurrak ezagutzeko segidako bideoak aukera ederra dira. Atal honetan Afrikakoak ezagutuko dituzue, Ghana, Kenya eta Egiptokoak hain zuzen ere.Estadu bakoitzak bi atal ditu: batean, hiri bateko familia eta, bestean, nekazal inguruko familia.
Bertan ikusi ditzakezu youtubeko bideoak.


Ghana (Urban)

In Accra, Ghana's capital, ten-year-old Emmanuel lives with his sister, mother, father and aunt. We follow him to school and to a funeral where he serves as an altar boy. We see colorful coffins in shapes that are meaningful to the person who has died, such as a fish for a fisherman, a banana for a farmer, and an airplane for someone who always wanted to fly.
Ghana (Rural)

Deborah lives with twelve extended family members in a family compound in a rural village in southern Ghana. The 8-year-old is up at 5:30 in the morning to finish washing dishes, sweeping, and carrying water before she leaves for school. After school, she and her sisters make fufu, her father's favorite food, and we visit the colorful local market.
Kenya (Urban)

Prince, a sixth grader boy, lives in the city of Nairobi with his parents and older siblings Ian and Shelby. Prince helps with morning chores before heading off to school, where he studies science and hangs with his friends. After school, he rides bikes with a friend and does his homework. During the weekend, Prince helps with the shopping, attends church with his family and enjoys and a local festival featuring tribal dances.
Kenya (Rural)

John, 11-year-old boy, lives in Kangundo Town starts his day on his farm at five a.m., helping his parents and brother, Jeffrey, with homestead chores like tending to their many animals. Then it's an hour-long walk to school six days a week. We are also taken on a safari tour by John's cousin who works at the Masai Mara National Game Reserve and see the wondrous wildlife of Africa, including lions, elephants, zebras and hyenas.
Egypt (Urban)

Seven year old Yasmine and her brother live near Cairo. Yasmine goes to an international school where classes are taught in English, and she takes French and Arabic. She loves her ballet class and tennis lessons. The families goes to a birthday party for Yasmine's friend and the family has lunch with grandparents.
Egypt (Rural)
Six year old Hesham lives in Luxor, famous for its Temples of Karnak. His father supervises workers who maintain and restore one of the largest tombs in Valley of the Kings. Hesham attends a big celebration for the one-week birthday of his baby brother. Later, Hesham and his father pray together, and have a picnic on a boat with the other children.

Hainbeste haur ezagutzea benetan da aberatsa. Eta gu, nola bizi gara gu?


     Jose Luis Etxezarreta

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